Are you taking supplements? Do you eat well? Is it possible that you are doing the wrong things?

are you taking supplements?This is a really old article… lots have been changed in the past three years!

I have been cutting stuff out of my diet for three weeks now hoping that I can drop a few pounds. So far no good, and that has forced me to look deeper into getting the nutrients my body needs.

The experience of craving is probably familiar to you too. You crave, you feel hunger, but it is not really hunger… the body is talking to you through restlessness, through desire, through sleeplessness, through weight gain, though nausea, etc.

Deciphering what the body needs, what the body says is more difficult than deciphering encrypted messages: the variation of things that can be said, the variation of things the body can need is so vast, and it changes with every meal you give your body.

Every step you take either takes you closer or further away from success, health, happiness.

Taking the same steps because they worked before, or because they worked for your cousin is plain stupid.

I came down with symptoms of ulcers at age 9, and struggled with them till age 34. I was treated by physicians for 25 years. I never got better. They said I had too much acid, and put me on special diets, gave me medication that suppressed acid production in the stomach.

In 2004, 22 years later, an RBTI practitioner prescribed to me to eat beets at least three times a week. I didn’t know why, but I obeyed her.

Later, I read somewhere that my symptoms were due to not too much acid, but acid that wasn’t strong enough… I didn’t have a strong enough digistive fire… hm.

don you react to symptoms?The symptoms are misguiding, because they don’t match the deficiency at all. So, short of getting a comprehensive blood analysis, about 200 bucks in my area, plus the doctor’s fee. Insurance doesn’t pay for it, or at best pays $30 of it…

I had my last comprehensive done in 1993, on a gloomy Wednesday. I say it was gloomy because the doctor told me that my blood work was so off, they could not help me, that I would not make it past the week.

Blood work is evaluated by doctors that don’t like to offer vitamins or minerals or Essential Fatty acids… they don’t know much about them.

Your mind makes up stuff, and it is always wrong. How do I know? MY mind is always wrong too.

So what do I do so I am relatively well? I muscle test.

Now, I have been doing this successfully for myself for about two years now. And if I obeyed my muscle testing, I would be thin too… but 🙁 I don’t obey. Oops.

I would like to find out if I want to do this muscle testing consulting for you. If it is worth my time. If it is expeditious. If you even want it.

There are two ways to go about it (I think),

  1. offering it much like I offer to create your Bach Energy profile: you pay me, and I email you the results.
  2. offering it coupled with a consulting session where I experience you live, on a call (Phone, skype or webinar), we talk, I get answers to questions about how you eat, how you think, how you react, do the nutrient profile when I am on my own, and then email you the recommendations.

Because I haven’t developed a list of stuff I’d check, questions I need to ask yet, I consider this a testing period, because I am in the development stage… so I am willing to work more for much less money.

I don’t know how long it will take me to develop it into an easy process… a month, two?

Special Offer – pay for my time only, I’ll do all the testing on my own buck

While I am in the development stage, I am willing to create a whole analysis for enterprising, clients for the price of a consulting session. You pay for my time, and I do the work for free, while this special lasts.

30-minute session: I’ll give you your mineral, vitamin, essential fatty acid profile for free
45-minute session: I add your Bach Energy profile as well
60-minute session: I’ll also look at your profile: what to eat and how to eat, so you get the most out of life. This is the most risky part: the most intuitive.

Before I consider giving you a session… I need you to do this first: let me connect to you and see if I can help.

Here is the Starting Point Measurement test. It’s $15, and includes
1. your vibration (1-1000)
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have
4. your soul correction (your machine) I need your date of birth for this
5. do you have attachments?
6. the level of your health (1-100)
7. the level of your cell hydration (1-100)
8. your relationship to feedback and instruction

Here is the link to pay with paypal or with a credit card

Click to get your Starting Point Measurements Report

Don’t forget: I need a recent picture of you and your date of birth. If you forget… I’ll email you to remind you.

Read the original article: Are you taking supplements? Do you eat well? Is it possible that you are doing the wrong things?

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