Want to raise your vibration? Don’t keep your eyes on the scoreboard!

raise your vibration. it is like a score on the scoreboardIn most activities, the goal of the activity is at least two-fold.

Let’s see how it is through a few examples:

Losing weight: losing weight can come from wanting to lose weight to look better, feel better, fight off diabetes, etc. And losing weight can come from wanting to take back control of your life: live according to your will instead of your whim.

Winning a football game:

  1. goal 1: look good, be celebrated, make lots of money
  2. goal 2: be the best you can be at something you love
  3. goal 3: be part of the winning team

Raising your vibration:

  1. goal 1: feel better about yourself and your life
  2. goal 2: have bragging rights and a sense of superiority over others
  3. goal 3: fulfill on the divine purpose of being a human being

Each of these goals are also contexts: they define who you are going to be, where you are going to look, what you are going to think while performing the tasks to accomplish the goal.

Most of these goals are ego-goals, and they fizzle out almost as fast as you start them. The “light” you get for accomplishing them is temporary and come with a shadow side, and downside, the grief that accompanies glee… like judging someone and the shame it comes with…

Raising your vibration is not a parlor trick, it is not a feat you can accomplish with ego, for the sake of ego gratification.

Raising your vibration is spiritual work and you either have your attention on that or on the scoreboard.

Raising your vibration won’t work if you want to fix yourself. It won’t work if you want to impress someone. It won’t work if you do it so you can make more money, lose weight, find more sex, or any of these mundane reasons.

As long as you are guided by your animal instincts, your ego instincts, your vibration won’t rise: you are doing it for the wrong reason.

Animals do everything for their own selfish reasons, even if it is the reason for the perpetuation of the species… Raising your vibration from animal and instinct driven to human is a hard step, I know, I have been there myself.

But it’s possible, and that is what you need to learn to master: the context: raise your vibration because that is the natural order or things, that is what is befitting a human…

Along with it you will feel better, make more money, be healthier, have better relationships, but only as a side-effect, and not as the goal.

If you can’t commit to the right context, please do yourself a favor and don’t even start.

Read the original article: Want to raise your vibration? Don’t keep your eyes on the scoreboard!

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