Been there done that! the fixed mindset and how it prevents you from changing yourself and your life…

How the notes you take, the stories you tell, put blinders on you and prevent you from growing…

As a coach, I will send you back to the same book, the same video a number of times. My intention is that you watch it… But some students won’t watch it again, they go to their notes, and read them instead. In their mind they say: I have done that… I know! And they kill their chance to see how much they have grown, and their chance to allow their consciousness to see something different.

This is the same mechanism that your stories remain the same. You say the same thing at age 50 as what you said at age six. If the stories you tell remain the same, then be sure: you have remained the same.

Telling what happened the same way is the most important way fixed mindset manifests.

Fixed mindset violates the adage: you can’t step in the same river twice…

The well translated (from Greek) quote is ““No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”

If you think that the river is the same, or if you think you are the same, you have a fixed mindset. And even if you have changed, you won’t know… you will not allow what you consciously see become different.

What do I mean?

The seed level on which I base my coaching is that the basis of your existence is what you see. It gives you the second part of the “occurrence”, what you perceive happens, and your actions will be in a perfect correlation, in a perfect dance with what you see: the occurrence.

So my job, as a “change agent”, a coach, is to use what I have available to myself, as tools to change what you see, the occurrence.

The “thing” you look at can be life, events, other people, and yourself.

I am rarely able to change the reality part of occurrence (occurrence=reality+what you say about it), but more often than not, that has already happened, so I can only change the “what you say about it” part, that is, depending on the level of your fixed mindset, can change a little bit or a lot.

When occurrence thus changes, your further actions and what you say about life, yourself, can change.

That is the whole secret of growth, that is the whole secret of coaching, that is the whole secret of self-actualization.

I bring the new angle of looking, I bring the speaking.

Your job is to come around and look from the new angle, to allow YOUR speaking to change.

It sounds easy, but there are obstacles, sticky hinges…

Occurrence is like a door than swings on sticky hinges. The stickier the hinges the less willing the door will be to swing, and the more likely it will automatically return to its original position when you are not looking.

So what makes the hinges sticky?

We’ll look at it through the starting point measurements.

  • 1. your vibration (1-1000): Your vibration is a combo number that tells me from what height and with what accuracy you look at reality. When this is a low number, your height and accuracy will be lacking, and you will listen to what I say as my opinion, my good idea, but you actually won’t be able to see it yourself.
  • 2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.: This is also a combination number, that grades your aptitude to see reality in different areas of life and respond accurately. This number is a percentage, instead of the vibration number, which is a logarithmic number. Your overall intelligence shows a percentage: to what degree you can work with what you have, instead of comparing you to other people.

    If you don’t have much to work with, but you use what you have brilliantly, your overall intelligence can be a high number. But most people “sport” a really low number, meaning that they have a lot of room to grow.

  • 3. the number of spiritual capacities you have: There are 160 spiritual capacities hardwired in your DNA. They are dormant, inactive, unusable in most people. They will turn on when you actually do things, regularly, that need them.

    Most people never do anything regularly that turns on capacities. This number is a very reliable indicator of a fixed mindset: you see yourself unchanged, and unchangeable: fixed, and you refuse to do things you are not already suited for.

  • 4. your soul correction (your machine): There are soul corrections that are more fixed mindset than others
  • 5. do you have attachments? Attachments can be so irritating, or so “leash-like” that you have no mind to spare for change. this is true to all attachment-like phenomena: placed on you by a malicious person, your soul fragments you denied, your base belief about yourself, or the “anchor to doom” around which you circle the drain. I talk about these somewhere else.
  • 6. the level of your health (1-100): The higher your health number, the more energy you have above mere survival… so this number directly influences how fixed is your few: survival mode, scarcity mode is a fixed view of the world and yourself.
  • 7. the level of your cell hydration (1-100): Same as the health number.
  • 8. your relationship to feedback and instruction: Of course, if your attitude to input is that it’s judgment, right/wrong, an attack, you won’t allow feedback and instruction to move you and move the door… This is a very significant reason most people cannot and will not grow.
  • 9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow w/o trying to fix it. This is your TLB score… Growth, change are inherently scary. It is natural to be afraid. You will have a hard time allowing yourself to go with change and even if you change, this is the force that returns the door to the original position where life was comfortable and you didn’t have to feel discomfort.
  • 10. The size of your vocabulary: the number of words you can use accurately: This is a filter that causes you to not hear, not see anything that you haven’t already seen and decided about. If this number doesn’t change during your coaching, I know that I am failing. It’s hard work to raise this number. Reading and pondering changes it. Pondering is connecting the dots of reality differently than before. Busy people don’t ponder. They chase the next thing to do: no pondering.
  • 11. To what degree you think of yourself: This is the inverse humility number. If you have yourself in the center of the filter through with you look at events, things to do, reality, you can see that your view cannot change, because consciousness is fixed, anchored, and the view of life cannot change. This is the most important number that determines to what degree your door can open or not.
  • 12. % of fixed mindset: This is a combo number, and in my experience isn’t an accurate representation of your willingness you change your mind.
  • 13. Ambition: A higher ambition number indicates a higher willingness to make changes, and to actually invest energy into making things happen
  • 14. Desire: A high desire number indicates a desire trap. As with any trap, this number shows in reverse how far you are willing to go from the fixed view of life to get what you want. A high desire number indicates blinders.
  • 15. Degree of inauthenticity overall: Inauthenticity is the distance between your public self and your real self. The more you want to be seen as, the better, the more this acts as a barrier to growth, an barrier to change, a barrier to becoming. Without changing the environment, the people for whose sake you pretend, this number is quite fixed. Moving house, moving town, changing friends, changing jobs, may be necessary: very few people will be willing for that.
  • 16. Level of integrity 1-100: This number is very strongly correlated with the inauthenticity number.
  • 17. how enslaved are you to memes? (what percentage of your life is run by memes?) Memes act as the opposite of grease… the higher this number the more sticky, rusted hinges will behave.
  • 18. do you have a bridge between your precious “I” and your actual I? What is your level of delusion… The higher this number the more you’ll protect the Precious “I”, the fake self, and the less you’ll be willing to change.
  • 19. To what degree you have access to your adult capacities. this is the inverse number that shows to what degree you’ve been willing to change the stories you tell.
  • 20. How teachable/how coachable are you? The higher this number is the more you are willing to allow your consciousness to go where the coach is taking it.
  • 21. The level of your awareness? if this number is low, you won’t notice that you are taken to places that are different. You will step into the same river every time.
  • 23. the percentage of time you spend in the mind: This number is the inverse of the awareness number… you cannot be aware inside the mind.
  • 24. the percentage of input that gets through to you. This number is a combination of your awareness number and your coachability number.
  • 25. How inspired can you become? And what level are you now… This number shows your intrinsic/internal motivation. The energy you have available after all the having to, needing to, wanting to and should. The more the shoulds drive you, the less you are willing to change.

As you can see, it is quite predictable how effective coaching and guidance can be for you.

What is the bottom line?

The more tethered your consciousness is to where it’s at, the less you can change what you see and the less willing you’ll be to say something different about what you see.

The Playground program is entirely dedicated to altering “occurrence”.

We cannot change what happened, but when seen as a separate action, we can change what we say about it.

How successful you’ll be in that program depends on your fixed mindset that keeps what you react to the same.

This is ultimately the most important indicator of your life satisfaction: to what degree you have control over your life.

The degree of flexibility you have about what you say about things.

Positive thinking is a bastardized version of this: it is not about positive or negative: you cannot reduce life to two colors and be happy and effective in life.

The more colors you have in your palette, the more ways you can see, interpret, explain, the more creativity you have available for yourself in seeing things that are real, the more power you have over your life.

At this point you probably have one, maybe two ways… The job is to have many.

Reality: collective hunch at best. This means: we don’t know what things mean.

Will Durant historian said: unless you are able to see 500 years before and 500 years after, you have no idea what it means that this happened or that happened.

I have a 70 year perspective on the happenings in my life. My interpretation of the events in my life have gone through hundreds of re-evaluation, although in the beginning, just like you, I had very rusted hinges on the door to change.

The swinging of the door, frequently, removes the rust. And you can become all you can be.

You hope you can become all you can be without changing your mind about things that you have a strong opinion.

Dream on… it is not possible.

Unless what you see changes, you cannot change, and your life cannot change.

The person who you are now cannot and will not do well, will not accomplish what you desire, no matter how real it looks in your imagination.

In fact, that imagination is what keeps you stuck…

Read the original article: Been there done that! the fixed mindset and how it prevents you from changing yourself and your life…

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