Restarting my water energizing system after the Dark Side event of Labor Day weekend

Like everyone’s water my water lost its vibration completely over Labor Day weekend. Fully energized water is 653 vibration, and the water dropped to 200.

My cell hydration dropped to 10%, and I had no energy, not even to read. It was a worse experience than my stomach bug that put me in bed for five weeks.

But the Dark Side energy let up Monday evening, and Tuesday morning I could consider restarting my system.

So what is a water energizing system?

It’s main components are

1. the water that can be energized… ((my two stage simple inline filter, the same I recommend everyone, does a pristine job at it. I have an under the sink version, the over the counter version works the same way, and it is easier to install.

Some store bought waters also work, although you need to check frequently, bottling companies frequently and without notice change their water source.

None of the fancy filters work: they put chemicals into the water, and the chemicals render the water not energizable.))

2. The energizer audio. ((The original audio works faster. It is called Energizer audio… The new bundled version is slower. It is called energy bundle))

Methods of energizing: The audio works through audio vibrations. The stronger and more surround sound the audio and therefore the vibration, the faster it works.

So if you use smaller headphones it is one speed. If you use a mini speaker inside the refrigerator, it is much much faster.

If you use a thin walled plastic container: it is one speed. If you use a thicker walled plastic container, it is another speed. If you use glass container: it takes a really long time.

2. The second method of energizing the water is through entrainment. Entrainment is two different vibration elements wanting to synchronize… and get to the same vibrational level.

In water energizing we put small bottles of energizable water inside the bigger container. It’s best to first energize the small bottles: it takes a lot of time for the small bottles to catch up to the bigger bottles, and in that catchup period they will slow the process down.

The small bottles of energized water then work on the water inside the container and charge it fast.

I have a five gallon (20 liter) container, and I have 10 half liter smaller bottles inside. One quarter volume of the whole container. Those little fully charge bottles charge my water in exactly 24 hours. I can set my watch it is so exactly 24 hours.

It’s linear, so if you use more small bottles or less small bottles, you can calculate how long it should take to have fully charged water.

OK, so how do I recover from the disaster of the Labor Day weekend?

I am using the refrigerator.

I am emptying the big container into smaller ones (I use the Polar Pitcher that also has an built in small “bottle” inside.) And put those into the refrigerator. I have also took out, washed carefully the 10 small bottles and put them into the refrigerator. It takes about a day for the water to be fully charge in the fridge.

In the meantime I was the big container.

When the day is gone, I will put the small bottles back into the big container and fill it with energizable water. And a day after that I will be “back in business”.

In the meantime I use those Polar pitchers to get me water… I don’t drink chilled water, so I take them out once they are charged in the fridge for a day.

If you wanted to check out the Water Energizer, it’s sold here

Read the original article: Restarting my water energizing system after the Dark Side event of Labor Day weekend

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