The invisible and its relationship to truth value. Tree of Knowledge… same question

The invisible and its relationship to truth value

I bought a book today (Ikagai ((Ikagai the Japanese way of finding purpose in your life. Japanese culture is very different from Western culture in that there is no hurry, there is no desire trap, no teaching to imagine in detail what you want, live in your head… etc.
Here are the five principles of Ikigai: living with joy every day. Step dancing to work, as Tai Lopez would say:
Awakening Your Ikagai by Ken Mogi (Truth value: 30%) explains that Ikigai (roughly described as the pleasures and meanings of life) has 5 Pillars:

  • 1 – Starting small; focusing on doing a certain thing (or part of a thing) very well
  • 2 – Releasing yourself from bondage, from the should’s and have-to’s; accepting who you are, and allowing yourself to be open to your place in the greater community
  • 3 – Harmony & sustainability – recognizing that the permanence of anything includes getting along with and relying on others, doing small things well/beautifully
  • 4 – The joy of small things – appreciating the sensory pleasure of everything around you
  • 5 – Being in the here and now – living in this moment now

Ikagai is what logotherapy invented by Victor Frankl in the Nazi concentration camp… and more. Really a way to live that feels like it matters.

It really doesn’t matter whether you matter or not for the quality of your life. Many people matter, and yet feel bad about their lives. What matters is what you FEEL.

I, for example, probably don’t matter. But I have managed to create IKAGAI for my life, that allows me to enjoy it, enjoy myself, and make my life closest to an art form.)) for business) on creating a purpose, both individually, and for a business.

I have just started reading it… I measured its truth value. It’s 20%.

And then I had the idea of asking a different question I have been meaning to ask: How much of the missing 80% is something that the person doesn’t say, cannot say, because he doesn’t know? And it was high: 70%. And the remaining 10% is just simple untruth, mistake, wrong knowledge.

Then I got a report from one of my students/accountability partners. He says:

I spent some time pondering. I saw the value and the importance of seeing things for myself, taking time to gather my own evidence to support views, to make it my own. To keep moving towards clarity. Otherwise, I’m just repeating memes, i.e. lying. The difference between assessment and assertion

My heart smiled. He is getting it. His truth value is growing.

99% of the world repeats memes, Tree of Knowledge, that they have no personal evidence for, experience about, they just words that maybe even the writer or the speaker is just repeating. Utterances. But they are repeating “truth”… and in their mouths the truth becomes a lie.

And it isn’t just Bible thumping folks, it is university professors, PhD’s, doctors, gurus, healers… and not the least: you.

Most books I have ever looked at have a truth value of less than 7%. Same with courses, entire school curriculums.

The truth value of what I teach 70%. According to muscle test, only a tiny percentage of what I say is factually wrong. ((Even in conversations, on webinars, when I see something new, or something that feels like new truth, I preface saying that: as soon as I’ll finish this sentence I’ll muscle test. And often it’s true, and just as often it isn’t… And I laugh. Because a “no” is a great guidance… Takes me to the strait and narrow.)) And the bulk that missing truth will someday reveal itself through penetrating the invisible… but poking holes into the invisible is a long and arduous journey. Also doesn’t pay well. lol.

India is famous for its gurus, fakirs, and saints, who are thought to be spiritual. Yoga. India is not spiritual at all.

Spiritual simply means: engaging with the invisible.

India’s culture is entirely from the mind. And that is the gurus’ culture too.

I have read nearly everything Osho said…The truth value of his whole ouvre is 30%… thousands of talks… ((transcribed into books… he didn’t write at all… ))

When we examine why it is only 30%, and what elements of untruth he has in his speaking, we find that about 30% of what he says is simply not accurate, simply not true… 90% of it is academic knowledge, including what is not true, Tree of Knowledge, not directly experienced, and the rest is from the fact that he did not, never penetrated the invisible. He was craving experiences… and he used substances for that. But substances do not connect you to the invisible… At best they give you a great show, but it’s not from the invisible. (drugs, Ayahusca, LSD, laughing gas… meh. The invisible needs you to be sober to give up its treasures.)

What about my Alma Mater, my home for 26 years, Landmark Education? Werner Erhard’s work: 10% truth value. 90% Tree of Knowledge. Ugh. Truth repeated is a lie.

And these are the best… in my view.

I could also measure the vibration… but that is even trickier…

Although I just finished a book an hour ago. It’s fiction and it has a vibration of 200. No truth value in fiction, it is a story… but that particular book, a rarity for me, wanted me to copy paragraphs, even pages, because the book, in a way, teaches people of how to be a high vibration person. Tim Tigner is the author, Pushing Brilliance is the title. It is free for people who have Kindle Unlimited.

Tim Tigner’s personal vibration 200… while most authors have the same vibration as the general population, 120-130. 200 is the dividing line between low vibration and high vibration.

One of my favorite fiction books was Dan Millman’s The Journeys of Socrates. Dan Millman’s vibration is 110. But his books are ghostwritten, and I am sure his ghostwriter has a high vibration… Yah, it’s 200. The book’s vibration is 300… I recommended it to many people and no one liked it like I did.

Today I realized that high vibration books require of you to be high vibration, have empathy, care… and if your vibration is low, you can’t have empathy, you can’t care. you are low minded. Your life is all about yourself and your life.

This is one of the reasons I am, from now, limiting the time I spend with people. I have already canceled my strategy sessions, and will be, for a while, much like a hermit again.

Read the original article: The invisible and its relationship to truth value. Tree of Knowledge… same question

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